7 Google Analytics Secrets | Effective Ecommerce Podcast # 32 - Best Webhosting

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7 Google Analytics Secrets | Effective Ecommerce Podcast # 32

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: 7 Google Analytics Secrets | Effective Ecommerce Podcast # 32.
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In this episode of the effective ecommerce podcast I'm actually going to be doing a crossover episode. So it's not only a podcast but it's also going to be a YouTube video. So a lot of this stuff is going to be very easier to see than it is just to hear it in audio form. So if you go to my YouTube channel type in go to YouTube type and effective e-commerce you'll find my YouTube channel and you can actually watch the video and watch along with me. So I'll be recording my screen at the same time obviously if you're just finding me on YouTube I do have a podcast as well where I talk about e-commerce stuff but let's get into the 7 secrets of google analytics. So these are the 7 secrets we have source/medium secondary dimensions ecommerce a section transactions goals and funnels and geo locations and last but not least segments. So all seven of these things are things that you can look at your data you can look at the data in Google Analytics to get a better idea of what's going on with your website how you can improve your website and a lot of really good information.

I do have some bonus info at the end of some of the most powerful things that you can do with Google Analytics as well I might I might end up saving that for the next episode but we'll see if I can get to it in this episode. So let's start from the beginning but before we get into that I do want to remind you that I have an AdWords course that will be launching February 20th it's not that far away it's a little over two weeks away I believe. So get excited for that because that's gonna be a really in-depth course about Google Adwords and product listing ads Google Shopping adds two of my most and you'll actually see in this walkthrough how valuable they are to me. So for this walkthrough I'm going to be using data if you're watching this on YouTube that is from 2016 January to February.

So it's about two years old that way my competitors don't get any useful information out of this but you guys still will because you'll see all the secrets. So secret number one is to go to source / medium and the way you would get there is once you're in Google Analytics under acquisition go to all traffic source slash medium this is the number one thing I look at the most it's very very powerful it shows you a snapshot of where all your traffic is coming from and it shows you just a bunch of really good data and if you have it properly set up you'll be able to see your revenue and the far right column see the number of transactions and on the left and the very far left column you'll see the sources of the traffic's and the medium.

For instance Google slash CPC is my number one source for traffic that's Adwords and product listing ads. So that's where I get most my traffic for my main or at least was my main clothing dance clothing company at the time number two for me is Google slash organic. So I got almost four thousand people coming from Google CPC almost thirty five people thirty five hundred people coming from Google organic now a lot of the people that are finding me through Google organic the way that they actually found me in the first place was through PPC and there's ways that I can tell this and maybe I'll show later in this how I can show that or how I can know that but for me source number three is direct slash none direct means that they typed in my address into the URL. So it comes direct to the website. So Google Analytics doesn't know where the traffic is coming from which is absolutely fine and you have to realize with that if people are typing in my URL directly they found me somewhere else. So maybe a friend told them about me but good chance that they found me first from paid advertising or possibly organic SEO and then they decided ah I want to go back to that website and they typed it in. So for me number four is Bing CPC.
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Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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