What is Google Ads? How Google AdWords Works in 5 Minutes - Best Webhosting

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What is Google Ads? How Google AdWords Works in 5 Minutes

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: What is Google Ads? How Google AdWords Works in 5 Minutes.
Google Ads Walkthrough Tutorial:

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To understand how Google Ads work, It’s important to understand how Google works. With Google, it always starts with a person. This person has a thought/idea and they have a question that they want to search on Google. When people search on Google, they want to find the answer to something. This is the opportunity to show your product, to show the solution that your company has to this person’s problem. Within Google, there is what’s called the Organic Results. These are the things that Google puts in the search results for free because it is high-quality content and Google knows that they are going to provide a solution. What Google posts on the top of the search results are Paid Ads. The way to get to this spot is through the Google Ads platform.

The benefit of using Google Ads is it accelerates your results. The way it works is that you would tell Google that you want your ad to be on top of the search results of a certain keyword. A keyword is whatever someone searches on Google. Google, in turn, wants to be paid for this. You will tell Google that I will give you $1.00 every time someone clicks on my ad. You don’t pay unless someone clicks on your ad.

For Google Ads, it’s a bidding system. Someone may come along and say he/she will give $1.10. They would go on top of the search results. The more people involved, the higher the bid potentially could be. The way it works is that you know that every time someone clicks on your ad, it’s going to cost you $1.00. If you make $2.00 on average every time someone clicks on your ad, then it makes sense.

One thing that makes Google Ad so powerful is that not only are you able to target specific keywords, you can also target by geography, time zone, and device. You can get very analytical and figure things out that work for you and your business. A quick tip also is to bid on a more targeted keyword. The person searching for this will most likely buy than those searching for a generic keyword.

Another important thing is to do a Split Test of your ad copy. You might have an Ad A and you can also write a better one as Ad B. The message, the actual wording that shows up when someone is about to click on your ad, is very important. The goal is to get a message that converts as high as possible. This means that out of how many times a person sees your ad, how often do they actually click on your ad. You want that number to be as high as possible. This is called your Click Through Rate. The better your Click Through Rate is, the lower Google will charge you per click.

To sum this up, this is what you call a Funnel. At the top of the Funnel is everybody in the world that is searching for a particular keyword. Out of all these people, a small percentage of them will actually click on your ad. Out of these people that clicked on your ad, a small percentage of them will actually purchase your product. That is what’s important. You want to grow every section as much as you can. The way to increase your sales is to increase the percentage that goes through every part of your Funnel. That will have a trickle down effect.


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Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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