Free Marketing Ideas For Your Online Business | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #15 - Best Webhosting

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Free Marketing Ideas For Your Online Business | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #15

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: Free Marketing Ideas For Your Online Business | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #15.
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Effective Ecommerce Podcast:

1. SEO - we've already done two episodes nose so I'm not going to belabor the point here if you want more information on this one listen to I believe its episode 13 and 14 but basically the quick version is trying to rank higher up in Google for different keywords

2. Content Marketing - so funny enough this kind of goes in with SEO and we’re going to talk about this in depth I think in the next episode or pretty soon in a future episode here the content marketing is very important for a number of different things but it relates to a search engine optimization or SEO because of the fact if you can create really cool content pieces people will find you through Google so an example of this might be seven kudo friendly snacks so you want to rank in Google for ketosnacks and you'd

3. YouTube - and for half the people listening to this podcast you’re probably watching it on YouTube so a lot of people are watching this on my YouTube channel effective e-commerce and get way more views way more traffic tom YouTube channel then I do to my website hands-down and the reason is there’s a lot of reasons actually but people prefer to consume videos a lot of people refer to consume videos not everybody some people prefer to read but videos are easier quicker for 99% of people and they're entertaining they’re little bit more entertaining so youkan use this
4. Talk to everybody - never waste an opportunity go you can go to conventions which usually cost money or you can go where your consumers hangout and just talk to them and let them know about your company I'm not gonadal too much about this one I know

5. Make Phone Calls - call your potential customers so four be dancewear we'll call dance studios and for performance nut butter I plan on calling gyms and letting them know about our product now when you're doing this you probably shouldn't just do like cold

6. Influencer Marketing - now this isn’t necessarily free you'll
probably have to give away some products but goon Instagram find influencers in your niche in son some projects so it's not a hundred percent free but it only costs you your products really easy we'll do an episode on this one for sure so I won't talk too much about that number

7. Guest Blogging - and this is where you go to someone that has a blog and you write agues post on it I will talk in depth about this in the next episode but the quick answer is people already have these huge audiences out there so I also say guest podcasting guess youtubing like all these different things be agues on other people's platform
8. Start a podcast

11. Contest - I will probably eventually do a whole episode on how To run a contest but this is a great way to spread the message so you might do something via Twitter via Instagram via Facebook saying doing a post about your products and saying share this product or share this post for a chance to win free product then people share it and it gets shared with their friends and it turns into a whole viral thing so that is a great way of doing it you can also do contests for people into their email and then you email market to them
12. Guerrilla Marketing - so guerrilla marketing is really any idea that’s outside of the box an example of this might be going to a trade shower a convention with a funny hat so I might was performance enough but I might go with a hat with a bunch of nuts

13. PR - so public relations join Haro it's a help a reporter out you can google I think it's horrid dot org just Google Hero and you can join that and basically what happens is you get emails from reporters that say hey I want total about X Y & Z topic and they’re looking for experts in that so they might say what we're looking for
14. Spotlight marketing -

15. Get repeat customers -
Free Marketing ideas

Content Marketing
Talk to Everyone
Make Phone Calls
Influencer Marketing
Guest Blogging
Not really free but it can be
Send Personal Emails
Especially people who sign up for your email
All Social Media
Guerrilla Marketing
Go to trade show with a hat
Join Haro
Contact Newspapers/Magazines etc.
Spotlight Marketing
Get Repeat customers
Assume all links in the video & description are affiliate links and that by using them you are supporting the channel, so thank you!

Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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