One Week after the Launch of the Kickstarter | Kickstarter Day #7 - Best Webhosting

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One Week after the Launch of the Kickstarter | Kickstarter Day #7

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: One Week after the Launch of the Kickstarter | Kickstarter Day #7.
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Alright this is day seven two month mother is not only one week since a server is started I think we teachers around ten thousand dollars are now. So I'm feeling alright it's a little slow I wish it was a little bit quicker obviously in gaining traction I feel up quite a future - luckily how different marketing tactic I just sort of faced with that another thing I want to do is I actually recorded a video today as a banking video at the mistress in Paris and I think this is the product to really like I don't expect a lot from it as I said in the video the one of the worst parts of the video you can barely fit now that are staying on my shirt there's

I filmed in this video and the shirt on the video shirt and I realized afterwards they were listing on the shitter okay Maxie give the microphone just kind of hard to see but I'll let that go sometimes right like when you do all this work and then real I get to throw it all out it's also bad because that means tomorrow I'll need another shot at doing it helps me tomorrow I have a little bit more energy I can do a better job some artifacts good one today a second big deal it's not having to do something twice when we've already done. So she could I've been kind of dreading doing this this small thing we're community is a big deal I was going to ask assembly become very influential in my life. So you think I'm not even watch the video that's the other part of blogging and writing leaders.

I might do all this work creating this video anyway I didn't watch stuff but yeah not a lot I can do that I also spent a day with some other influencers but the big thing through it was getting within. So get up and going I had two different labs that are building probably close to 25 30 dollars the bardo conversions kind of to be expected and all are going to grade us on that competitive rhythms right now I'm just doing text ad I would like an image the next iteration on the college blue eyes I'm sorry video ID painting all the different target demographics that I've created and I have a whole video series on how to do Facebook apps or Kickstarter you can get search I'll pause try to put a link down below the search for that on my channel and don't forget.

So that simple as that Bay I also went out with some basketball today just kinda nice it could work out and about to go to. So that's pretty much it and once they've done them you know fun before will a Kickstarter campaign little teaser campaign I knew is going to be a little more boring though if you later I'm leaving for awesome stability FX. So that might get another percent again but why yeah that's pretty much it for that that's like I'm thinking right now that's going to pull further government get off the plane taking off and landing and checking the motels and all that kind of fun stuff for Cal U of X but that's all I got for this day economy make sure you click that subscribe button down below you're not yet Missy's ecommerce name Kickstarter success back up here. So it includes checklist if every commerce business Kickstarter everything really is everything I know about me Thomas has had to put up there or in this YouTube channel lots of not least willing questions please leave it in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video you
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Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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