Influencer and Affiliate Marketing | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #38 - Best Webhosting

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Influencer and Affiliate Marketing | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #38

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: Influencer and Affiliate Marketing | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #38.
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Effective Ecommerce Podcast:

Omni Star Affiliate:

In this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast we're gonna be talking about Affiliate in Influencer marketing which is something I'm gonna be doing for my new company performance nut butter pretty heavily. So I did ate a lot of research on the best ways to do Influencer and Affiliate marketing we talked about what the difference is between Influencer and Affiliate marketing we're gonna go into the how to's of how to do it all that fun stuff but before we get into that I do have a quick announcement performance nut butter just launched its jars on Amazon. So if you go to Amazon just search performance nut butter checkout the jars it is that a hugely discounted rate I'm actually losing a little bit of money. So if you ever wanted to try the product this is a great time to do it I put it at a discounted rate early on to gain some sales velocity gains some sales traction but anyways the the product is live. So if want to try it go to Amazon type in performance nut butter calm and you'll see it there. So let's go over Influencer and Affiliate marketing. So what is Influencer marketing versus Affiliate marketing Influencer marketing is hiring people on Instagram Pinterest YouTube any social media platform any anywhere that there are Influencers and basically paying them or giving them free product in exchange for posts Affiliate marketing is a little bit different even though it's fairly similar with Affiliate marketing you give your you give these Influencers links and they only make money if they make sales. So I might approach a youtuber and say hey about this product performance nut butter every time someone uses one your links and makes a purchase I'll give you 20% of the sale

They don't have to do anything all they have to do is share my product and if they love the product there they would probably do that for free anyway. So that's a way for them to make some money. So with Influencer marketing which I think we will probably start with first there's Instagram Pinterest and YouTube mostly social media Affiliate marketing tends to be a little bit more via email or via blogs or as well via YouTube there's definitely some overlap in the two. So let's get started with Influencer marketing I think a lot about this with Instagram you'll see people with a lot of followers a lot of times do sponsor posts though they'll post and they'll talk about some kind of a product that's fairly common and a lot of times those companies are paying them to do it or if they're not paying them they're giving them free product. So how would you do this well I recommend first off you're gonna want to compile a list of different Influencers to reach out to you can search via hashtags you go to the Instagram app figure out which hashtags people that would like your product or likely to post under and then go through those hashtags go through the pictures specifically the pocket most popular posts and reach out to those accounts another thing you can do is look at your competitors product search for your competitors product search for their hashtags search for people that have posted about it because if you have an established competitor or remember every time I said competitor it could also be a similar website for instance performance nut butter there's also companies out there that sell like ghee like butter ji-hae and a lot of times people that like D like dairy you know like cow's butter also like nut butters because they're interested in the high fat content. So what I would do is look at all right who has posted about different companies get product or some of my competitors’ products and then go on and talk to them and say hey I'll send you some free product or I will give you some money and one of the things I've been doing a little bit just testing the waters on is giving people free boxes in exchange for doing a post and giving a coupon code and that's made me some sales that's gained some awareness for the brand for sure one thing I do is well this is just a little wrinkle is when people approached me and saying hey I want you know I'd like a free box in exchange for an Instagram post I make him jump through a hoop first I say sure right now most my inventories in Amazon would you mind just buying it off Amazon and I'll venmo you the money and most people say yes and then what ends up happening too is I asked them you know could you leave a review for the product as well and obviously I asked them you know an honest review but I'm hoping that they're gonna give five stars.
Assume all links in the video & description are affiliate links and that by using them you are supporting the channel, so thank you!

Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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