Relaxation before a busy Month | Kickstarter Day #5 & 6 - Best Webhosting

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Relaxation before a busy Month | Kickstarter Day #5 & 6

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: Relaxation before a busy Month | Kickstarter Day #5 & 6.
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This is the update for day five and six so these days actually I didn't get as much done as I thought I was going to I in depth so Saturday was my girlfriend's birthday so we ended up doing all kinds of really fun things we went to a coffee shop we went and got some donuts as well actually is really cool coffee she'll try to put some clips of that they have lots of different like herbs and different things here in Santa Monica on 10th Street it's called Ronke Gardens like coffee shop or something like that I'm sure you can google it and then we went paddle boarding which paddle boarding was a blast we saw some seals if you want to come this way huh you're going to figure this out government help how long let's go that way big circle come on you're okay.

I fell into the water a few times it was actually seeing the seals is really cool because you know we got pretty close to them and then we ended up going out to dinner so I did some I don't really do any work on Saturday Sunday I did do some random work but it was Mother's Day so I did a little bit of work throughout the day leading up to the afternoon and then I went and visited my mom and spent some time there so I took a little bit of time off not on purpose but just that's kind of how it goes Saturday was on purpose that was the big update Saturday and Sunday sales were kind of down as far as Kickstarter pledges not very many people added there but I wanted to make sure and still update so that is my update video for day five and six make sure if you haven't yet click that subscribe button this is kind of not the best of episodes we have some cool clips in here but usually we have a lot more valuable content can also get the Ecommerce Success pack by clicking up here and if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below and thank you for watching
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Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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