
  • 08:45 Popular Update WordPress Core, WordPress Plugins & Themes | WP Learning Lab

    Update WordPress Core, WordPress Plugins & Themes | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 116 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Update WordPress Core, WordPress Plugins & Themes | WP Learning Lab One of the best ways to keep your WordPress site safe from security breaches and hackers is to update the WordPress core files, plugins and themes whenever updates are available. Before you update any

  • 05:48 Create A Custom WordPress Username And Delete The Admin User  | WP Learning Lab

    Create A Custom WordPress Username And Delete The Admin User | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 82 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Create A Custom WordPress Username And Delete The Admin User | WP Learning Lab Creating a custom WordPress username is quite easy during the installation process and via the admin dashboard after WordPress is installed. You want to avoid using Admin as a username for

  • 07:23 WordPress Salts, Unique Keys & Database Prefix - WP Hack Prevention & Security | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Salts, Unique Keys & Database Prefix - WP Hack Prevention & Security | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 95 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Salts, Unique Keys & Database Prefix - WP Hack Prevention & Security | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I show you how to add WordPress unique keys and salts to your WP-Config.php file and how to change the WordPress database prefix. Both of these are import

  • 04:13 Popular How To Block and Blacklist Bad IPs via .htaccess - Works On Any Apache Server | WP Learning Lab

    How To Block and Blacklist Bad IPs via .htaccess - Works On Any Apache Server | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 102 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist How To Block and Blacklist Bad IPs via .htaccess - Works On Any Apache Server | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Blacklist Undesired IPs (User and Bots) (left pointy bracket)Limit GET POST PUT(right pointy bracket) order allow,deny allow from all deny from 123.456.789.111 (lef

  • 08:00 Prevent Directory Browsing On Your WordPress - Hackers Love Directory Browsing | WP Learning Lab

    Prevent Directory Browsing On Your WordPress - Hackers Love Directory Browsing | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 83 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Prevent Directory Browsing On Your WordPress - Hackers Love Directory Browsing | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Directory Browsing Block Options -Indexes # END Directory Browsing Block In this tutorial I show you how to stop hackers from seeing which plugins and themes you h

  • 02:54 Popular Prevent Script Injection In WordPress - Stop Hackers With WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    Prevent Script Injection In WordPress - Stop Hackers With WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 109 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Prevent Script Injection In WordPress - Stop Hackers With WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Protect Against Script Injections Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ((left pointy bracket)|%3C).*script.*((right pointy bracket)|%

  • 08:57 Popular Password Protect Your WordPress Login Page - Brute Force Attack Prevention | WP Learning Lab

    Password Protect Your WordPress Login Page - Brute Force Attack Prevention | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 105 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Password Protect Your WordPress Login Page - Brute Force Attack Prevention | WP Learning Lab # Password protect the wp-login.php file ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized Access" ErrorDocument 403 "Forbidden" (left pointy bracket)FilesMatch "wp-login.php"(right pointy brac

  • 04:00 Popular Protect Your WordPress WP-Config.php Via .htaccess - Hacker Proofing Your Site | WP Learning Lab

    Protect Your WordPress WP-Config.php Via .htaccess - Hacker Proofing Your Site | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 101 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Protect Your WordPress WP-Config.php Via .htaccess - Hacker Proofing Your Site | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Protect the wp-config.php file (left pointy bracket)files wp-config.php(right pointy bracket) order allow,deny deny from all (left pointy bracket)/files(right poin

  • 04:54 Popular Prevent PHP Execution In The WordPress Uploads Folder - Common Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab

    Prevent PHP Execution In The WordPress Uploads Folder - Common Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 103 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Prevent PHP Execution In The WordPress Uploads Folder - Common Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Stop PHP Execution in Uploads Folder Order Allow,Deny Deny from all (left pointy bracket)FilesMatch "^[^.]+\.(?:[Jj][Pp][Ee]?[Gg]|[Pp][Nn][Gg]|[Gg][Ii][Ff]|[Pp][Dd]

  • 05:47 Popular Limit WordPress WP-Admin Access To Specific IPs - Keep Brute Force Hackers Out | WP Learning Lab

    Limit WordPress WP-Admin Access To Specific IPs - Keep Brute Force Hackers Out | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 117 Views / 0 Likes

    Limit WordPress WP-Admin Access To Specific IPs - Keep Brute Force Hackers Out | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Restrict WP-Admin Access To Specific IPs Order Deny,Allow Allow from 123.456.789.111 Deny from all # END Block WP-Admin Access To Specific IPs In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can disable wp-admin access to only IP addresses that you specify. This works great if you have a static IP or a known dynamic IP range that you always access t

  • 03:50 Popular Disable WordPress XMLRPC.PHP - Common Brute Force Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab

    Disable WordPress XMLRPC.PHP - Common Brute Force Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 113 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Disable WordPress XMLRPC.PHP - Common Brute Force Hacker Exploit | WP Learning Lab # BEGIN Disable XML-RPC.PHP (left pointy bracket)Files xmlrpc.php(right pointy bracket) Order Deny,Allow Deny from all (left pointy bracket)/Files(right pointy bracket) # END Disable XM

  • 03:54 Force SSL Usage In The WordPress Admin - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    Force SSL Usage In The WordPress Admin - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 97 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Force SSL Usage In The WordPress Admin - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to secure your WordPress admin by forcing every signed in session to use an SSL certificate (HTTPS). SSL certifica

  • 03:53 Change DB Prefix WordPress Plugin - Secure Your WordPress MySQL Database | WP Learning Lab

    Change DB Prefix WordPress Plugin - Secure Your WordPress MySQL Database | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 88 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Change DB Prefix WordPress Plugin - Secure Your WordPress MySQL Database | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the Change DB Prefix WordPress plugin to improve MySQL database security. Anyone running a WordPress-based website needs to con

  • 05:16 How To Remove The WordPress Version Number From Your Site  - Hacker Proofing | WP Learning Lab

    How To Remove The WordPress Version Number From Your Site - Hacker Proofing | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 94 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist How To Remove The WordPress Version Number From Your Site - Hacker Proofing | WP Learning Lab remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); //Remove WordPress version from site In this tutorial you're going to learn how to remove the WordPress version number (WordPress ge

  • 02:20 How To Backup Your .htaccess File Via File Manager On Your Apache Server | WP Learning Lab

    How To Backup Your .htaccess File Via File Manager On Your Apache Server | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 96 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist How To Backup Your .htaccess File Via File Manager On Your Apache Server | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to backup the .htaccess file using the file manager. The .htaccess file is a very important file. If even one character of code is out

  • 04:03 How To Remove The Google Hacked Site (Malware) Warning - Website Hack Recovery | WP Learning Lab

    How To Remove The Google Hacked Site (Malware) Warning - Website Hack Recovery | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 100 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/2eY3X5D How To Remove The Google Hacked Site (Malware) Warning - Website Hack Recovery | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial you will learn how to remove the warnings that Google puts into their search results when they suspect that your website has been hacked. This will also remove attack page warnings and

  • 04:41 How To Move WordPress Login Page For WordPress Security & Hack Prevention | WP Learning Lab

    How To Move WordPress Login Page For WordPress Security & Hack Prevention | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 86 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist How To Move WordPress Login Page For WordPress Security & Hack Prevention | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use the Move Login plugin to move the default WordPress login page. This will help reduce the likelihood of a successful brute for

  • 05:08 Popular WordPress Media Settings Walkthrough - WordPress Admin Area Tutorial | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Media Settings Walkthrough - WordPress Admin Area Tutorial | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 110 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Media Settings Walkthrough - WordPress Admin Area Tutorial | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to show you the default WordPress media settings. There isn't much to them, so it'll be quick WordPress tutorial. To get the Media Settings page first log

  • 05:53 WordPress Screen Options - Change What's Displayed On WordPress Admin Pages | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Screen Options - Change What's Displayed On WordPress Admin Pages | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 98 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Screen Options - Change What's Displayed On WordPress Admin Pages | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to walk you through the WordPress screen options. These options are used to show or hide certain parts of the admin page. Screen options are only f

  • 04:49 How To Manually Backup WordPress MySQL Database, Files and Folders | WP Learning Lab

    How To Manually Backup WordPress MySQL Database, Files and Folders | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 75 Views / 0 Likes

    How To Manually Backup WordPress MySQL Database, Files and Folders https://youtu.be/cfLFO7kiS2Y The other half of this tutorial, how to manually restore from a backup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RazMUnBFnQ&list=PLlgSvQqMfii4qdGkBEavOHwqRqEzhhk5d In this WordPress tutorial, I'm going to show you how to manually backup WordPress MySQL database, files and folders. Being able to backup your website is important because you will want to do this befor

  • 04:09 Popular Remove/Delete Inactive Plugins & Themes - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    Remove/Delete Inactive Plugins & Themes - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 118 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Remove/Delete Inactive Plugins & Themes - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to remove active plugins and themes that are installed on your WordPress site. Why would you want to do this? Plugins and themes that are inactive

  • 03:06 Delete WordPress Backup Zips From Your Server - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    Delete WordPress Backup Zips From Your Server - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 85 Views / 0 Likes

    Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: http://vid.io/xqRL Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Delete WordPress Backup Zips From Your Server - WordPress Security | WP Learning Lab In this tutorial I'm going to explain why it's important to remove the WordPress backup zip files from your server. This move is great for WordPress security. A lot of WordPress backu

  • 15:14 Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress

    Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress

    by Best Webhosting Added 87 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress This is the easiest way to get Facebook on your website. To install the Facebook Like button on your site all you need is a Facebook developers account (which is free) and then grab the code on this page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button You can customize the Like

  • 01:51 Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress (Rapid Fire)

    Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress (Rapid Fire)

    by Best Webhosting Added 82 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Facebook Like Button: How To Add Like Button To Wordpress (Rapid Fire) This is the easiest way to get Facebook on your website. To install the Facebook Like button on your site all you need is a Facebook developers account (which is free) and then grab the code on this page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button You can custom

  • 09:33 Twitter Cards in Wordpress: How To Integrate Twitter Cards With Your WordPress Site

    Twitter Cards in Wordpress: How To Integrate Twitter Cards With Your WordPress Site

    by Best Webhosting Added 93 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Twitter Cards in WP: How To Integrate Twitter Cards With Your WP Site Twitter cards are a way for you to enrich your tweets with more information from your website. The purpose of twitter cards is to increase engagement with your followers and generate more traffic to your website via twitter. They are a must if you're doing any sort of marketin

  • 01:59 Twitter Developer's Account - How To Make One

    Twitter Developer's Account - How To Make One

    by Best Webhosting Added 93 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Twitter Developer's Account - How To Make One With a Twitter developers account you can do all kinds of fun things on your WordPress site like: - create Twitter cards for more traffic from Twitter - embed tweet timelines - embed single tweets - integrate a tweet button - integrate a follow button To make a Twitter developer's account you simply

  • 02:31 Facebook Developer's Account - How To Make One

    Facebook Developer's Account - How To Make One

    by Best Webhosting Added 87 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist Facebook Developer's Account - How To Make One Once you have a Facebook developer's account you can do things like: - create Facebook apps - create "Log in" with Facebook functionality for websites - manually integrate like and share buttons into your Wordpress site (without the use of plugins) To create the developer's account go to https://dev

  • 03:28 WordPress Dashboard Tutorial Overview for WordPress Beginners | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Dashboard Tutorial Overview for WordPress Beginners | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 97 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Dashboard Tutorial Overview for WordPress Beginners After you log into your WordPress admin or your WordPress backend the first thing you'll see is the dashboard. The panels in the dashboard will give you a quick at-a-glance overview of the activity on your site. The dashboard looks the same if you've installed a self-hosted WordPress

  • 04:46 WordPress Post Tutorial - Creating WordPress Posts | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Post Tutorial - Creating WordPress Posts | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 91 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Post Tutorial - Creating WordPress Posts WordPress is a content management system (CMS) and a blogging platform which means that regular posting of content is a core concept in WordPress. In this video you'll learn how to create a post in WordPress. Once in the admin area of your WordPress site hover over the Posts menu item and then c

  • 04:18 WordPress Pages Tutorial - Creating WordPress Pages | WP Learning Lab

    WordPress Pages Tutorial - Creating WordPress Pages | WP Learning Lab

    by Best Webhosting Added 94 Views / 0 Likes

    Download our exclusive 10-Point WP Hardening Checklist: http://bit.ly/10point-wordpress-hardening-checklist WordPress Pages Tutorial - Creating WordPress Pages WordPress is a content management system (CMS) and a blogging platform that is created to allow people to post regular updates to their website. However there is also capacity for static pages which allows WordPress to be used not just as blogging platform, but as a full-fledge website solution


