How to 80/20 Your Business Using Google Analytics and Sales Data | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #33 - Best Webhosting

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How to 80/20 Your Business Using Google Analytics and Sales Data | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #33

Watch E-commerce Travis Marziani Video: How to 80/20 Your Business Using Google Analytics and Sales Data | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #33.
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Hey everyone welcome to the Effective Ecommerce podcast in this episode I'll be talking about how to 8020 your business using both Google Analytics data and sales data and this is a very important episode cuz I'm gonna show you the power of the 80/20 the Pareto principle and more specifically how you can interpret your data to get more success and more sales more profit to your website and it's very simple principles. So we're gonna take a look at Google Analytics. So we're gonna ask a few different questions and then we're gonna find some answers and we're gonna ask some more questions. So let me quickly tell you what some of the questions are that you're gonna want to ask and you're gonna want to get answers from in Google Analytics where is most your traffic coming from where is your highest converting traffic from coming from. So this is important because the traffic that's converting really well you want to find out where is it coming from and you want to try to get more of it what traffic has the most potential where are what are your top landing pages what are your top exit pages and you want to know what your top landing pages are because you want to know if you find out a lot of people are coming to these landing pages you want to try to figure out how you can convert them better.

Maybe they're going to a page that only has a one percent conversion rate and that's your highest landing page if you can get that to 2 percent or 3 percent conversion rate you're gonna get a lot more sales and I'll explain this was hugely important and powerful for me I'll explain that later what are your top exit pages and one of the things I want to say is you know also I don't know if I put this here but where most your sale is coming from and for me most of my sales were coming from AdWords and product listing ads we're going to be looking at some old data here just because I don't want to share you know my most recent data and this is the data this is real data from my dance clothing company B dance wear and I just want to do a quick let's want to do a quick plug for the AdWords course that I have coming out tomorrow and you're gonna see and then i'm showing you real data. So we're gonna see in the data how important AdWords and product listing ads also known as google shopping ads have been for my companies and that course will come out tomorrow and then teach you all the tech tips and tricks and everything I did for AdWords but anyways when I analyze my data I see that AdWords leads to a ton of my sales and. So what I realize is I need to get really good at this and I need to get better I need to get more traffic and better quality traffic from it. So anyways that course is coming out tomorrow you can click up here if you're watching the Youtube video or you can go to effective e-commerce comm if you're listening the podcast one last thing to note this podcast is also going to be a Youtube video with walkthrough tutorials but I'll do my best for people that just are getting the audio version to explain everything as much as possible. So after we're done with all those questions we're also going to try to figure out we're gonna analyze sales data and see you know who are the top 80% of your customers where does most your revenue come from and we're gonna dive in deep into that but let's start with the Google Analytics data right here. So first thing you want to ask yourself is where is most your traffic coming from and to do that you go to acquisition all traffic source slash medium. So for me you can see most of my traffic is coming from Google organic then it comes from Google CPC which is AdWords you know paid ads then it comes from direct slash none and then being underscore Yahoo CPC. So something to note about that is just because it says Google organic doesn't mean you don't know what people are typing in to find you and I find a huge percentage of people are typing in be dancewear. So they already know about us.
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Category: E-commerce Travis Marziani

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